More Than 20 Years
of Experience
Pepitone & Fasullo
A Professional Law Corporation
Helping You Plan Your Future
Tax • Estate Planning • Successions
P. 225.767.0083
On the road of life, sometimes you can't see what is right around the corner.
Proper Tax and Estate Planning will give you peace of mind regardless of what is around the bend.
Tax Planning | Estate Planning | Successions
Offering You Specialized Counsel
Tax Planning
Effective tax planning is essential in reducing and avoiding tax disasters. The tax law requires highly specialized knowledge. The Attorneys at Pepitone & Fasullo have the specialized expertise and experience necessary to provide you with tax-sensitive counseling and representation. Proper tax planning can be accomplished through Business Entities and Tax Structuring, Estate Planning using Wills, Trusts, Limited Liability Companies, and Corporations. The attorneys at Pepitone & Fasullo have the knowledge and experience to know how to utilize these buiness entities and estate planning tools to reduce or eliminate potential income tax issues and succession tax issues.
Estate Planning
Failing to create a viable estate plan through the use of a Will or a Trust will trigger a process of mandatory, state-regulated property distribution known as intestate succession. It is unlikely that this succession process will result in the outcome you desire, thus, possibly leaving your loved ones to deal with, not only the grief of losing an person they love, but could also create financial difficulties due to a lack of intended inheritance.
At Pepitone & Fasullo we utilize advanced estate planning techniques for both large and small estates to create a comprehensive plan specifically tailored for the unique needs and circumstances of each client. Not all attorneys that call themselves "estate planning attorneys" understand the tax law. Our attorneys have practiced in the area of tax law for decades, and understand the intricacies of the tax law. We work with our clients to reduce or eliminate taxes. No matter how prepared you are for the future, the unexpected can always happen. With the proper estate plan, your loved ones would not be left with a difficult situation. Regardless of your age or health, Effecting Tax and Estate Planning will give you peace of mind. This peace of mind can be accomplished by implementing specialized Wills, Trusts, an Asset Protection Plan, Community Property Distribution Plan, Revocable Living Trusts, Irrevocable Trusts, Special Needs Trusts, Living Wills, Powers of Attorney, utilizing the Usufruct, and Guardian/Tutorship for Minor or special needs Children.
Louisiana State Law refers to the process of settling the affairs of an estate after a person dies, and the transfer of ownership of assets to the heirs as the succession process (most other states call this process "probate"). Testate Successions (The decedent had a Last Will & Testament) is a process where the estate assets will follow the distribution plan as stated in the Last Will and Testament. Intestate Successions (The decedent did not have a Last Will & Testament) is a process where the estate assets will follow the distribution plan as stated in the Louisiana Succession Laws.
Estate Administration is a process where the Succession Administrator will be responsible for paying bills, filing income and estate tax returns, paying taxes, selling property, dealing with leases, handling rental property, handling property in other states, distributing assets to heirs, etc. Not all succession required administration. However, in the event your loved one's succession does require estate administration, the attorneys at Pepitone & Fasullo have extensive experience in handling successions that require administration. Furthermore, we are aware of the challenges that families face when dealing with the loss of a loved one and we are here to help make the succession process as simple and painless as possible.
Call For An Appointment 225.767.0083